Clear and shiny screen. Easy screen design, various communication functions with direct connection to the PLC, with barcode reader, printers and other peripherals. Quick response time.
Miniature Photoelectric switches applicable to hose down requirements. There is a great variety of them, they ignore the background by adjusting the detection distance and only objects are detected.
The detector SA1J is as easy to use as a photoelectric switch, but in contrast to the photoelectric switch SA1J ensures sophisticated color sensing.
Ergonomically designed for instant visual & audible recognition
LD6A SignaLights combine the latest LED technology with IDEC safety technology. With a new concept and
innovative design, LD6A light towers are ideal for factory automation and many applications.
The new MicroSmart FC6A delivers efficient automation solutions. The world’s first microPLC with the power of a PAC.
In Human Machine Interface (HMI) environment, ensuring the safety of operators and machines is given the top priority. Enabling switches, emergency stop switches, light curtains, and other safety products are used to provide safety, and the SafetyOne can monitor and evaluate the safety information from the safety products most effectively.
The SafetyOne satisfies the highest requirements of key safety standards, such as category 4 of EN 954-1, SIL3 of IEC 61508, and performance level e of EN ISO 13849-1. The new safety controller of innovative concept helps you implement applications without requiring any programming. All you need is to select one of the eight logic functions; operation starts simply by connecting safety inputs and output equipment.
High power water sensors detect water in opaque containers. X-rays are no longer required for detecting soft drinks or hair care products. Laser Class 1 (safe under all conditions of normal use). Water Detector (photocell lens type).